Vince Gowman
Emily F is a fourth-grade teacher and lifelong farm kid. Her family’s property is where LCNS began. She and her husband have three kids, farm locally, and raise beef cattle.
Gayle G, the woman behind Gayle Gone Feral, is an outdoor educator and safety instructor. She is a homeschooling mom of two wildlings and is the Program Designer for LCNS.
To provide a holistic approach to learning with a focus on all the senses. The aim is to foster rich learning experiences, ecological literacy, and healthy living by connecting our community to nature.
LCNS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization operating in the state of Michigan. Your donation will help keep our enrichment programs affordable for our community.
LCNS is an inclusive, secular, volunteer-run homeschool group in which each member’s beliefs, racial, and cultural backgrounds are respected and valued. We are open to both civilian and military families, and happily accept families mid-session as space allows. We offer weekly enrichment classes and occasional off-site events, with the go
LCNS is an inclusive, secular, volunteer-run homeschool group in which each member’s beliefs, racial, and cultural backgrounds are respected and valued. We are open to both civilian and military families, and happily accept families mid-session as space allows. We offer weekly enrichment classes and occasional off-site events, with the goal of education and creating enduring and supportive relationships.
Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at Life Cycles Nature School, where kids explore, learn, and connect with nature through hands-on experiences. Watch the video to see our outdoor learning space setup from 2022.